
The Role of Temperature Therapy in Natural Healing

Temperature is an intricate part of our everyday lives, from weather conditions outside to the warmth inside our homes. It has an impactful role in our well-being as it dictates mood, productivity, and overall comfort levels. In this blog, we'll look at its fundamentals, its effects on us all, and a natural solution for cold days - an herbal heating pad.   Our bodies have evolved to thrive within a certain temperature range. Extreme temperatures such as too hot or too cold can negatively impact our well-being, leading to lower productivity levels as well as decreased relaxation. An ideal indoor temperature should generally fall between 20-22 degrees Celsius (68-72 degrees Fahrenheit). This balance promotes both productivity and relaxation.   As the seasons change, so too do temperatures. Summer brings heat with it and calls for cooling respites while winter forces us to bundle up for warmth. Acknowledging these fluctuations ensures we remain comfortable and healthy year-round.